ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURED FOR CLIAMTE (ELMAC): The overall objective of the project is to develop a climate coupled proactive-design-and-monitoring strategy (PDMS) for electronic products for higher humidity robustness. Project aims to develop a climate coupled design strategy and design tool, and connectivity to the device for predictive maintenance through integrated sensors. Climate specifically means humidity, temperature, and pollutants level and their zonal variations. Outcome significantly cut the manufacturing, replacement and repair cost incurred due to unknown climate effects causing humidity related reliability issues. The aim is to develop zonal Climate Transfer Function (CTF) models for coupling with semi-empirical modelling software tool for proactive- device-design, while incorporating climate effect sensing methods to monitor for predictive device health management and maintenance. Overall aims are:
- Developing zonal CTF models by big data analysis of climate data combined with lab scale test data and mission profile data and coupling the CTF to build a semi-empirical modelling software design tool.
- Developing a mission profile sensor module capable of online data transfer allowing connectivity to the devices for condition monitoring.
- Developing climate coupled risk prediction models for climate related failure modes of Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) using probabilistic methods to translate sensor data for predictive maintenance and risk prediction.
